Favorite places (Week 1)
It's hard for me to decide my favorite place to be because I think there is a lot more than I have seen. I am going to choose London, despite only being there once. I found that the culture in London was similar enough to the United States to feel comfortable but different enough to learn from. I am a big fan of a city and this one with its history and the people there made me fall in love. I got to visit London for about a month and it was truly one of my favorite times.
London Eye
Source: Here.
London is one of the world's amazing cities, Morgan! I went to school at Oxford for two years, and London was just a short bus-ride away. It was wonderful! If you are interested in working on folktales and legends associated with London, that would be a great project for this class. One of the most famous is Dick Whittington and his Cat... and of course there is much more besides!