Introduction to Morgan Curry (week1)

My name is Morgan Curry. I am a senior this year studying Public Relations with a minor in Business. My favorite thing about my major is that it gives me room do be creative with what I know that I'm good at. I like thinking about the strategy behind making a vision become a reality. I'm not in love with my minor as it's mostly the difficult business classes and few of the fun business classes. I've had to take things like Accounting and Business Finance which is rarely, if at all, applicable to my life.

My favorite class that I've taken was British Media Studies but I'm 100% sure that it's because I got to go study abroad in London while I took it. Gaylord College offers an opportunity to visit London for 3.5 weeks and learn by going to various news outlets in Europe such as BBC, CNN and others as well as PR agencies like Edelman. I loved getting to be in London and I loved getting to make new friends that were on the trip as well. We still have classes together. I think there's a special bond between people that move to a new country without knowing anyone, even for 3 weeks.

I am involved in an organization called Young Life. In Young Life, I am the head leader of the WyldLife team. This  basically means that I not only get to be friends with middle schoolers and be a constant support in their life but I also get to lead a team of leaders that all have the same passion. Young Life is hands-down my favorite thing that I've done in college. It has given my my community and my friends as well as a purpose.

Some of my short-term goals are to get an internship this semester at a Public Relations agency so that I can get more experience before I graduate and need to find a real job.

Right now, I really only have one long-term career goal and it's to be doing something that I feel passionate about. In 5 years if I'm doing something that makes me barely any money or something that I genuinely would have never guessed I'd be doing, I would be ok with it knowing that I care about it and it makes me feel like I am doing something important.


  1. Young Life sounds wonderful, Morgan; this is the first time I have heard about that. Maybe you will find some stories in the readings in this class that you will want to share with the young people your are working with in that program, or even do a Storybook project that can be part of the program. As you'll see when you get to the Storybook brainstorming this week, the possibilities really are infinite, and since the project is online, it's something you can share with others! And if you ever have any Young Life events you want me to share in the announcements, let me know; I like to share an event every day, and the best events are the ones connected with actual students in the classes.
    I didn't see a picture in your post here, but maybe you have some pictures from London you can include! :-)

  2. That is so cool that you got to go to London! I've always wanted to go, maybe some day. Young Life sounds like an amazing program to get to be a part of. I have a middle school daughter and I'm sure she would love to be involved in something like that as well. Good for you for setting a goal to be doing something you're passionate about! I think we should all have that privilege, instead of having to do something you are either luke-warm about or hate, just to pay the bills. I hope you are successful in that goal.

  3. Hi Morgan!

    I just got done posting on one of your stories, so I was excited to read a little bit about the author! I have known a couple business majors and heard about the core 5 classes that you guys have to take even for a minor and it sounds insane. I am really impressed with anyone that makes it through those. I hope you have good luck in finding an internship, and if you don’t mind a little unsolicited advice, don’t forget that internships aren’t just about a company deciding if they like you. It is about you deciding if you like them too.

    Good luck!

  4. Hi Morgan! Before officially enrolling at OU, I put down that I was going to be a Public Relations major, but ended up switching toAdvertising, which was the closest switch I could have made. I decided I wanted to go more into "creating" and decided some of the Advertising classes would be a better fit for what I want to do as a career. Do you know what type of PR you would like to with in? PR has so many different paths you can take with it!

  5. Hi Morgan! I am so jealous that you got to study abroad in London. That is two things I have always wanted to but never have, study abroad and go to London! I can definitely relate to taking classes that don't have anything to do with your major but hey thats just part of being in college. Good luck with everything this semester, I'm sure you will do great!

  6. Hey Morgan! It's always cool to see the rationale of why people pick their major, and I think that you have a really good reason to go into Public Relations. That's awesome that you had the opportunity to study abroad in London. Someday in the future, I HAVE to go there at least one in my lifetime. I think that it's a really fascinating place. I think you have great goals! I'm also trying to prepare myself to get an internship for maybe next summer (2020), since I'm basically a sophomore right now.

  7. Hello Morgan,
    It is cool to hear about you. I am a math major but we share the same minor in business. I found it cool that you got to study abroad in London and even made a connection with the people that you met there even though you were only there for three weeks. It is also cool that you help younger kids and this give them somebody to look up to. I hope you do well in your future.

  8. Hi Morgan! Public Relations seems like a really interesting major. I like how you have the ability to be creative in your work one day. British Media Studies seems like such a fun class… especially since you got to go to London for it! That is awesome. Young Life sounds like a great organization. It seems like you are doing fantastic things for the community.

  9. Hi Morgan! Starting off with a question, but why have a business minor if you aren't in love with it? Your trip to Europe sounds really cool! I agree with there being a bond formed with those you study abroad with. I myself went to Spain for a month and not only being in a different country but also not really knowing the language is scary. The Young Life program sounds really neat and I would personally like to learn more about it! Lastly, I really like your look on life and how the only thing that matters is your happiness!

  10. Hi Morgan,
    Public relations is not really similar to what I'm studying (computer engineering) in any way, but I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying your major. Getting to study abroad in London seems like an exciting way to get college credit. I think your long-term goal of doing something you're passionate about is great and I wish you the best of luck in meeting your goal.

  11. Hi, Morgan! Public relations is very similar to my own major, which is human relations! I am glad to hear that you do enjoy your major and that you will be able to put your degree to good use after you graduate. I am also a senior, except I am still not sure what I want to do with my degree once I graduate in December. I have been to London only once and for only four days, but I absolutely loved it, so I am very jealous that you got to live and study there. I would love to go back and spend more time there. I definitely wish you luck with your senior year and I hope you accomplish all of your goals!

  12. Hey Morgan! I'm also a Gaylord student! (Professional writing) I know so many public relations majors, and all of them seem to really enjoy it. It's obviously a really great major with many career paths, and I'm glad it's something you feel you're good at! I also know a lot of business majors, and I tune out when they start talking about accounting and economics and all those hard, boring things, haha. I'm hopefully going to Britain next year with the Honors at Oxford program, and I can't wait! Good luck with your senior year!

  13. Morgan, your trip to London sounds really cool! I have always wanted to go to London, and I was going to try during my study abroad in France but I never made it off the continent so England is still on my bucket list. I totally relate to what you're saying about finding something you're passionate about. I really do believe that "if you do something you love, you'll never work a day in your life." That's part of the reason I double majored, so that if I get bored with one of my majors I can try out something that I'm more interested in. I really hope you find a project that you're passionate about, like you are about Young Life. Best of luck!

  14. Hey Morgan! Congrats on being so close to graduating! What an awesome opportunity you had to travel to London. That sounds like such a unique and wonderful experience. What was your most memorable part of the trip? You seem like you're pretty passionate about your major and what you want your career to be. It was nice to meet you!

  15. Hi Morgan, it is nice to “meet” you! I am sure studying abroad in London was such a fun experience! It also sounds cool that you were able to actually visit different news stations while you were there. I think it is awesome that you sever as a mentor and supporter to middle schoolers. I’m sure it can be a tireless job but also very worth it.

  16. Hey Morgan! That's really cool that you got to travel to London for a few weeks for school, I'd love to get a chance to travel abroad. It's also really neat that you're so creative and were able to find a major that harnesses it. I definitely wouldn't be able to do such a thing very often! I feel the same way about Accounting and Business Finance right now, but I'll probably be glad I had them sometime in the future, and hopefully it's the same for you too. Good luck with finishing up school!

  17. Hi Morgan! I wish I was a creative person but it seems the left side of my brain is not as functioning as my right. That is absolutely amazing you got to go to London, that sounds like a once in a lifetime experience. I wish i would have studied abroad while I was here at OU but now it is a little too late for that. I am planning a trip to Europe for this upcoming Summer, so I am hoping that works out. I also have similar views on having a job, as long as i feel as if I am making a difference I will be happy. Best of luck with your semester!

  18. Hi Morgan!

    I greatly respect people who prize the worth of their work over the size of the paycheck they might be making elsewhere, and I have no doubt you will find a place that fits what you have in mind. Having a purpose is worth far, far more than the security of a job filled with drudgery and idle time. I'm impressed with your description of Young Life, and I am rather surprised I've never heard of it before; I would have loved to participate in such a program but my senior year is coming to an end this December.

    Very nice to meet you, and best of luck with the future!

  19. Hey Morgan, studying abroad in London sounds incredible! I have always wanted to visit Europe and London is definitely one of the places I most want to go. Places like that are fascinating as extreme melting pots, perhaps even crucibles, of a myriad of cultures. I agree with you on the importance of finding a career you are passionate about. I have spent time working towards goals I didn’t really want before, and having that be a career is definitely something I want to avoid. Best of luck to you in the future!

  20. 3. Hi Morgan! The way you describe you passion in your major—“thinking about the strategy behind making a vision become a reality”—is great! I loved that line and it actually helped me better relate to you! I have a lot of friends that participate in YoungLife and they all absolutely love it, so I’m happy to see that you also really enjoy it. I hope you get an internship soon!

  21. Nice to meet you Morgan! I think it's really great that you feel the way you feel about your major. College should be about finding your craft and making the best out of it despite what will happen afterward. We've been built into a world that defines money as a necessity to brainwash individuals to live unhappy lives just to make more. It's great to have ambition and aspirations towards you goals and I really respect you for it! I wish you luck this semester and hope you get the internship you're hoping for c:

  22. Hey morgan!
    It is so nice that you are so open about your future! I am a planner so I am always stressed out about what I will be doing in 5 years and I wish I was able to be more go with the flow like you. I too hope that I am doing something I love, but preferable it makes me money as well.


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