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Looking through the Untextbook, I got a little lost. First, I really didn't know how to maneuver around the page to find the stories and then how to read them. And second, I didn't really even know where to start. The stories were all so different and creative that I didn't know which ones I should click on and browse first.
1. Through the Looking Glass: This was a classic story that I decided to read. Alice in Wonderland is a story that has been adapted and re-adapted time and time again so most anyone that comes across it would be familiar with it.
2. Adam and Eve: coming from a christian background, this one obviously peaked my interest. I did find it interesting that there could possibly be adaptations of something that was written in the bible and perceived by many many people as truth. I do think there is a creative touch here though when reading through the Legends of Jews.
3. Nursery Rhymes: this one piqued my interest in a way similar to Alice through the looking glass in the way of it being familiar. I was curious to not only refresh my memory of various nursery rhymes I grew up hearing but also to learn and see new ones that were super interesting too.

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