Feedback Strategies

I think that feedback is so important to someone who is trying to learn and grow. We simply do not know everything and can so easily get things wrong sometimes. That's when someone who is older, wiser or someone who knows more about something can step in and help. People should be able to accept constructive criticism when needed and continue to grow from it.

I found the idea of not saying "good job" as much really interesting. For the most part, I think that as far as parenting goes, or really anything now, there's a lot of things we "shouldn't do" which is frustrating. But I do understand the idea of over-reinforcing something that ultimately doesn't need to be reinforced. I did think that it was interesting that they said people tend to get disinterested with things that they are repeatedly praised for. I totally understand this, because I think people like to be challenged and at this point they no longer are. The link to this article is here. 

In the second article I read, there was an emphasis on being a mirror. I think this idea is interesting because like it said in the article, a mirror shows you exactly what is in front of it without judgement. The article went into five qualities of what mirrored feedback should look like. The first was being specific, this idea is basically saying to be very detailed with the feedback that is given. Don't make anything general or leave unanswered questions. The second, my favorite one, is to focus on what the reader is doing, not what they're missing. I think this is really interesting because so easily, when giving feedback, it's so easy to focus on the fact that someone doesn't have something and need to add more but feedback can be so much more helpful if we talk about what is actually there. The link to this article is here.


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