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Last Words: End of the Semester
- Your reading for this week. I really enjoyed my readings this week. It was a lot of stories that I had heard before but I got to read the original story from beginning to end. This gave me a cool perspective when going forward with storytelling and reading.
- Your best writing for this week. My best writing this week was my revisions I made to my creation story. I l love when I finish revisions because I feel like my stories get better and better and I become really proud of them.
- Other people's writing. I read a story about Harry Potter during the feedback portion of the week. I found that I am most interested in stories that put a modern twist on the stories that we are reading in this class.
- Your other classes. I finally finished writing all of the copy for my PR Campaigns Capstone book. We turned it all in so we are finally finished with all of our work except for the presentation in that class. My other class, Intro to HR, is almost finished as well. I think I will just have to write a paper and I will be finished completely.
- Next week. This next week of class, I am going to have to do all of the extra credit assignments in order to get my grade up to an A. I am pretty excited to finish up this class. While I have learned a lot about Mythology and Folklore and myself as a writer, I also feel like I have learned as much as I really want to. It's crazy to me that the semester is over though, I feel like we just began the semester. I really backed myself into a corner these last couple of weeks so where I maybe could have finished the class early, I am now having to work harder to bump my grade.

- The Last word. Source.
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