Week 15: Famous Last Words

This week's famous last words are going to be about the whole semester. Ultimately, as I look back on this semester, I remember thinking that I was going to be taking an easy, blow off class that I wouldn't learn a thing in. However, that was not the case. While the class was not particularly hard, there was a lot more work than I originally anticipated. I found that because of all of this overload of work, I learned a lot more than I anticipated as well. I was forced to not only read, but also reflect on my readings. I felt like I really learned how to read as a storyteller. As I continue on and read stories, I think I will always think back to this class and think about the ways I could make the story my own if I wanted to. My favorite section, I think, was the European Stories unit. These stories were a lot of the original stories that many of us have grown up reading or knowing by heart. I think it's really interesting to read the original ones and see the way that we have modernized various stories. Ultimately, this semester was a lot more than I expected it to be. I'm not sure that I ever developed a desire to continue studying mythology and folklore but I definitely have gained a massive respect for the stories and the storytellers that do have he passion for it. I think I am much more well off at the end of this class having this new knowledge and respect for different cultures and their stories. I also believe that I have gained a lot of storytelling skills of my own. Not only in a professional setting like I was used to before but also in a creative setting. 

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FLW. Source. 


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